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     The next meeting of the Military Council, which focused on getting the military economy ready for winter, took place in the Main Department of the Internal Troops on October 28.

    Lieutenant General Shahin Mammadov, the Chairman of the Military Council, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, and Commander of the Internal Troops who gave an introductory speech to start the meeting, stated that the state-building efforts, which were led by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, had a positive impact on the advancement of the Armed Forces. The country's sovereignty over the Karabakh territory was entirely restored as a consequence of local anti-terrorist efforts led by Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and held on September 19–20, 2023.

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs' Internal Troops personnel who dutifully carried out their duties showed a high level of military discipline, professionalism, and determination in defending the republic's public safety, including in the liberated territories, combating crime, and carrying out service-combat missions. Currently, the personal employees and police officers are actively carrying out their official responsibilities to maintain public safety and order in the economic regions of East Zangazur and Karabakh.

    Afterwards, Major General Fakhraddin Samadov, the chief of the logistics department and deputy commander of the internal forces, gave a report on how the military economy of the internal troops was getting ready for the winter.

    According to reports, preparing the military economy for the winter is one of the top priorities when it comes to continuing to provide units and divisions with combat training, combat training, performing service-combat tasks, meeting personnel material, household, and cultural needs, preparing barrack living spaces, maintaining technical and medical equipment, weapons, and equipment, and maintaining material and technical means overall. All of this serves as the foundation for the ongoing provision of combat training to units and the accomplishment of service-combat missions.

    Regarding the implementation of the action plan approved by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Commander of the Internal Troops to arrange winter preparations in a planned manner, it was noted that commissions established in the Higher Military School and military units carried out technical inspections of residential and non-residential buildings, military facilities, heating, electricity, gas, water, and sewage systems, and determined the scope of work to be done. The relevant acts were drawn up, and the necessary supplies were purchased for the purpose of performing the works.

Additionally, the accommodations and service locations were furnished with the required furniture and equipment in order to enhance the living circumstances of the personnel engaged in the service-combat activities in the liberated regions.

During the transition to winter, the military provides its personnel with appropriate seasonal clothing, food products, and proper food delivery according to established protocols. Additionally, the hygienic conditions of military canteens and catering facilities are monitored, and veterinary-prophylactic and treatment measures are implemented for service animals.

Additionally, suitable steps were taken to guarantee the continuous use of vehicles during the winter season, and the preparedness of park farms was verified in order to preserve the troops' high level of battle readiness.

A report on the application of preventative measures to safeguard staff members' health in cold weather was also available.

    At the conclusion of his address, Major-General F. Samadov declared with assurance that the deputies of military unit commanders for logistics and the Logistics Department of the Main Department of Internal Troops will completely carry out their responsibilities for the maintenance and protection of the staff members’ health, their housing and food, and the planning and execution of the equipment and weaponry operations during the winter of 2023–2024.

    The deputy commanders of the military units for material and technical support reported and gave speeches at the Military Council meeting. They discussed the current state of affairs, the activity's accomplishments, the reasons behind mistakes and shortcomings, and the efforts being taken to eradicate them.

    Lieutenant-General Sh. Mammadov adjourned the meeting and instructed the pertinent parties to finish the tasks outlined in the action plan, which included providing material, technical, and medical personnel, improving household and social conditions, and operating equipment in connection with winter preparations.

It was said emphatically that the members of the Internal Troops will see to it that the service-combat responsibilities are carried out, and they will successfully complete the winter season by being highly combat-ready.