The solemn inauguration ceremony of the cadets who were enrolled at the Higher Military School of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 was held. The ceremony was attended by the parents of the cadets.
The event began with the bringing the War Flag of the Higher Military School to the queue square.
The memory of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and our military servants, who were martyred for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our republic, was commemorated with a minute of silence and the National Anthem was sung accompanied by the Exemplary Military Orchestra of the Internal Troops.
Chief of the Higher Military School Major-General Ilgar Mammadov made a speech and conveyed his congratulations and recommendations to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Commander of Internal Troops Lieutenant-General Shahin Mammadov on the occasion of inauguration of the cadets. He further reminded the meaning of the military oath, the honourable and responsible duties of the cadets who took the oath of allegiance to their people and the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the requirements of relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
It was noted that the cadets who entered our ranks today, as well as all personal staff of Internal Troops, would adequately fulfil every task set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and would not spare their selfless efforts to further strengthen our state and statehood.
Later, newly enrolled cadets took military oath and promised that they would be loyal to our Motherland Azerbaijan and its people, protect the interests of our country, its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence with honour and would not spare their blood and lives for it.
Speaking on behalf of the cadets, Jabbar Hagverdiyev stated that they took oath by swearing on the sacred flag and would always strive to be worthy of the officer’s name, learn the military profession honestly, continue and develop military traditions with honour, adequately fulfil their honourable and responsible duties and always justify the trust in them.
Speaking on behalf of the parents, Hamlet Rzazada congratulated all the cadets, as well as their parents and called them on to support every cadet in this sacred and honourable way. He noted that in addition to the cadets, each parent, as an armed soldier of the Motherland, was ready to adequately fulfil all the orders and instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev.
The event ended with a solemn passage of the personal staff.