The Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs-Commander of the Internal Troops satisfactorily valued the conducted works on improvement of the social-domestic condition, material-technical provision of the personnel, in general, preparation of the troop economy of the Internal Troops to winter season
The next meeting, devoted to the preparation of the winter season of the troop economy of the Internal Troops, was held by the Military Board of the Headquarter.

General-lieutenant, Commander of the Internal Troops-Deputy Minister of the Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Military Board Shahin Mammadov opened the meeting with introductory speech and stated that the material welfare and social-domestic condition of the military servant, material-technical provision of the Internal Troops, as well as, the Military Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan are under attention of the Supreme Head Commander of the Military Forces Sir Ilham Aliyev. Multiple time enhance of the expenses to the military field from the state budget plays important role for the reaching of the potential of our army on all directions. It is emphasized that the settlement issues of the Internal Troops are accelerated for the last years. Purchasing the modern technics, weapon and special means, there ammunitions are presented to the use of the personnel, fundamental repair works are carried out in the facilities designed for social purposes and these works are continuing up to date.
The provision of the personnel was carried out according to the available norms in complete volume during the last period of 2019, there were no serious shortages in the preservation of the technics and special technics and their exploitation, material-technical provision of the service-combating is organized properly in the current year as it was in the previous years. The above mentioned issues are the matters which are under centre of attention of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Then, Deputy Commander of the Internal Troops-Chief of the Office of the Material-Technical Provision, General-Major Fakhraddin Samadov made the report on the condition of preparation of the army economy of the Internal Troops to winter season.
It is underlined that the comprehensive material-technical provision, improvement of the social condition of the military servants effectively contributes the successful development of the armies, qualitative and on time fulfillment of the duties put forward.
With regards to it, the provision of the required material technical means for the proper fulfillment of the service-combat instructions and the duties put forward before the military units and Supreme Military School by the Office of the Material Technical Provision of the Headquarter of the Internal Troops is ceaselessly provided.
In other words, the wide scale repair and refurbishment works are carried out for the Troops in 2019. The preparatory works for the construction, supply and exploitation of new military campus for the settlement of patrol troop in Aghstafa city are completely finished, as well as, the building of the dormitory with 80 flats is profoundly repaired and handled over to the use on the purpose of the improvement of the domestic condition of the officers, MAXE military servants and warrant officers.

General major F.Samadov made the report about the forward-looking preventive measures for the protection of the health of the personnel and preparation of the army economy to winter season under cold weather condition and removal of the existing shortages.
The report-speeches about the conducted works on the direction of the causes of the shortages and insufficiencies of the activity and ways of their removal, the current condition are heard at the meeting of the military board.
General-lieutenant Sh.Mammadov give the instructions to the authorized persons for the whole completion of the planned works on exploitation of the technics and improvement of the social economic condition, medical provision and material –technical condition of the personnel regarding with preparation to the winter season.
It is assuredly stated that will properly benefit from the provided condition in response to the state care for the personnel of the Internal Troops, ensure the protection of the handled-over property, preserving high preparedness of combating, will successfully pass through winter season.